Marilyn's Health Journey
Left Eye: Laser surgery of retina for oozing blood vessels
Right Eye: Thrombosis of right branch retinal artery
Both Eyelids: Blepharoplasties from hooded eyelids x 2
Right Eyebrow: Brow lift surgery after stroke
Daily severe migraines
Memory loss after stroke (mainly short term - medical memory Intact)
Unable to speak due to stroke
Right Nostril: Partly ripped by “horn rim” of steering wheel in car accident
Multiple teeth removed to make room for molars
5 years of braces with points sticking into tongue
Swallowing abnormally caused by stroke
Face: Right sided facial droop after stroke
Right Carotid Artery: Removal of cholesterol plaque/teflon graft
Enlarged from increase BP
Calcification in blood vessels from heart disease
Lungs: Wheezing from asthma
Left Lower Abdomen: Drainage of abscess
Back / Lumbar: Severe spinal stenosis after several procedures including:
One failed spinal fusion L4-5 creating dropped foot
Multiple steroid injections both sides
Failed ablation procedure at multiple levels
Multiple laminectomies were performed to remove fibrous tissue
Both Sides:
Insertion of titanium cages Lumbar 2, 3, 4, 5 ; Sacral 1, 2
Insertion of titanium rods down either side L2——S2
Screws to hold all in place
Insertion of two 10 in bolts, one on each side of pelvis
Radical left hemi-pelvectomy
​Four of twelve positive left inguinal lymph nodes showed adenocarcinoma
Left thigh:
​Gracilis muscle dissected and swung around to address large opening where labium had been resected​
​Wound vacuum inserted to treat massive infection
Unable to walk after:
Cancer surgery complicated by massive infection
Dropped foot
Extensive back surgery
Right Thigh:
Resection of fist-sized myxatomatous tumor
Major nerves completely disrupted causing pain and many walking issues​
Left Knee:
Torn mcl​ secondary to skiing accident
Left Ankle: FS childhood
Right Ankle: Trimalleolar fracture - when 8 months pregnant
Feet: Bilateral peripheral neuropathy​ - unknown cause
Left foot: Foot drop after first back fusion